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Ticket Packages

Our Box Office

Visalia Players at the Icehouse Theater offers  a variety of  performances. You are able to  purchase individual tickets or season tickets. Check out our upcoming shows and mark your calendar.

We look forward to hosting you at our theater.

For ticket purchase, you may contact us over the phone, or make your purchase in person at our Box Office. Our box office hours are on when we have a show open; Fridays and Saturdays 6:00 - 9:00pm and Sundays 1:00 - 4:00pm. Purchases may be made in credit/debit card, cash, or check.  

For more details, or assistance, we invite you to call us at

(559) 734-3900.

Audience Laughing

Group Rates Available

Sellout Package: This premium package offers you the entire theater for only $1,500 for a regular play - a savings of $900, or $1,750 for a musical – a savings of $950. You select the date that you would like a special performance for your organization. Receive 150 tickets to resell at the price of your choosing. Sellout Package performances are dates that are not one of the regularly scheduled performances, but fall within the normal run of a play.


Ovation Package: For only $650 for a regular play or $850 for a musical, you receive 50 seats for one of the regularly scheduled performance. This is a savings of $150.


Applause Package: For $390 for a regular play or $510 for a musical, you receive 30 seats for one regularly 
scheduled performance. This is a savings of $90.


Contact us for more information regarding our group rate packages.

What you should know


Single ticket purchases online or by phone, at least two hours prior to performances are:
Regular plays: $16 for adults, $12 for students.
Musicals: $20 for adults, $16 for students.

Single tickets purchased less than 2 hours before performance time:
Regular plays: $20 for adults, $16 for students.
Musicals: $22 for adults, $18 for students

Friday and Saturday evening performances begin at 7:30 p.m.
Sunday matinees begin at 2:00 p.m.

All Reserved Seats…should be claimed at the door at least 15 minutes before curtain. Season ticket holders who have not made a season advance reservation are encouraged to make reservations prior to each production by calling the ticket information line at 734-3900. Seating is assured ONLY if (1) advance reservations are made through the on-line reservation system, or (2) reservations have been made and confirmed through our reservation line, (734-3900)


Box Office Hours

Contact Us Today

Mon - Fri: 9am - 6pm
Sat: 10am - 2pm
10am - 2pm

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